The 1996 preselection - the full scoresheets (exclusive)

posted by SamB on Mon, 4 Dec 2017 13:46 CET

Following our look back at the 1996 preselection over the last few weeks, and the seven glorious and not glorious entries that were robbed of their place on the Oslo stage, some readers asked if we had the full results of the national juries' voting.

The good news is, we do! And you can view it here.

Update: you can watch the scoreboard updating as the points come in using Scorewiz too!

Click on the link above to see all the points given by all thirty of the national juries. Find out who gave Romania more than half of its points. Discover who gave 10 points to Slovenia and gifted them a place in the contest. See just how lucky Finland were to make it in, and how narrowly Hungary missed out. And marvel at how transparent Malta's voting alliances were, even then.

We know how much you people love to analyse Eurovision, so we hope the full 1996 Eurovision preselection voting results will give you something to chew on.

Join us to discuss the results, argue over who was robbed and swap conspiracy theories, on the ESC Nation Message Board.

Source: EBU archives