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How many points in total did give in the year(s) to ?

All events Finals only Semifinals only


Friend Index (mean points given relatively to total score of same year)

Relative points given in the year(s) to

All events Finals only Semifinals only

What does the Friend Index mean?
For example, Slovenia got 60 points in 1997, 7 of which came for France, which is 11.67% of their score. So the relative score from France to Slovenia is 11.67. The mean relative score from France to Slovenia is the average of all such scores in the years that are in the range you specified, and both countries participated.

Why not just average the scores then?
We believe that this is a more indicative way of showing friendly relations than average points given, because voting countries may or may not be present when the receiving country has an overall very high/low score, which can be misleading when average points given is used.