Estonia 2009

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Urban Symphony - "Rändajad"
Composed by: Sven Lõhmus

Useful Information About Estonia

Facts :

Estonia borders to Lithuania.

Bathroom light switches are OUTSIDE the bathroom.

A popular beer, “A. le Coq”, sounds similar to "I'd like a coke/cock”, so one must be careful when ordering or be willing to start drinking at noon or having a pleasant experience in the restaurant.

In Tartu, cab drivers do not rob you blind just because you are a foreigner. In Tallinn they do.

The women are not only Estonian, they are stunning.

Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009

After five years of being stuck in the semi finals broadcaster ETV renamed their final from "Eurolaul" to "Eesti Laul" in attempt to make it a national festival and attract bigger names.

The eventual winners were three cellists and a singing violinist who seems to share hair stylist with Evridiki.

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